Tuesday 26 April 2022

Windows 97

Hello, everyone!

Sorry for not updating this blog in a while, but I have a new AWESOME creation named Windows 97.

It requires ".NET Desktop Runtime", as it was made in VB.

Anyway, after you've installed the runtime, you can open "Windows 97.exe".

It's completely safe, I coded it myself with no help.

It's meant to simulate Windows 98 in a game-like style.

Windows 97 is essentially just a rick-roll in disguise, but with some fun features.

1: It looks like Windows 9X

2: The programs actually work

That's about it.

Windows97: Download HERE!

.NET: Download HERE!

Tuesday 22 February 2022


 NOMORESKOL is my new project out now on GitHub.

It's main goal is to destroy the HELL out of computers, especially at schools (as the name suggests).

You can visit the project webpage at github.com/trisiegt/no-more-skol

Anyway, that's it!

Sunday 21 February 2021

How do I get apps for Debian/Linux on Flint OS(More commonly known as Chrome OS)?

 Step 1: Make sure Linux is enabled. To enable Linux, "Open Settings/Linux (Beta)". When you are inside that folder, Click "Turn On", and now, it will download and install the Virtual Machine. Depending on how bloated your Chromebook is, It will probably take a good 5-30 minutes.

Step 2: Open Terminal. If this app did not launch, open the Launcher, scroll down, and then click Linux Apps. After that, you should see a new application called Terminal.

Step 3: Create an account. Depending on your e-mail address, your username will vary. My username is "tristan4@penguin". the first part is your email, and the @penguin bit is basically how it registers usernames. 

Step 4: Install an app. Wait for the terminal to load, ("[=====]"), and then type "sudo apt-get install PACKAGE" Of course, replacing PACKAGE with the package name. Make sure to verify that it is a valid Debian package, otherwise it won't install. For example, to install Audacity, type "sudo apt-get install audacity"

Step 5: To remove a program (Like Audacity) type "sudo apt-get remove PACKAGE", again replacing PACKAGE with your package.

Windows 97

Hello, everyone! Sorry for not updating this blog in a while, but I have a new AWESOME creation named Windows 97. It requires ".NET Des...